Engaged, Ethical and Entrepreneurial
Canadian Curriculum
Alberta Programs of Study

How should we define an international school? An international student community, an internationally mixed faculty, an international (i.e., non-local) curriculum, or a school that promotes "international-mindedness"? Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL) cultivates "international-mindedness" among learners. International-mindedness is a view of the world in which people are connected to one another in the global community. Internationally-minded people appreciate and value the diversity of cultures of this world. International-mindedness fits well within a Biblical framework as well as the philosophy of Canadian Education. CAPCL adopts the Canadian curriculum, using the Alberta Programs of Study. We value learning as an active, social process. Children are learners, making meaning of self, others, and the world. Knowledge is co-constructed through each child's engagement with people, places, objects, and ideas.
We value play. It is one of many multimodal literacies and an essential medium through which children explore and participate with others and in the world. Children's active engagement and participation in learning is demonstrated through their theory building, creativity, problem solving, playfulness, and imagination. Children experience reciprocity of relationships and interconnectedness of ideas in an inclusive community where teachers value children's contributions and seek out diverse perspective of/for learning. Learning becomes dynamic as teachers and children come together to explore, communicate, examine, question, problem-solve, and challenge what is known and what is yet to be understood. Ideas bring people together, and active engagement and participation is what helps those ideas deepen and grow more meaningful. Our Treehouse Library, CA Makerspace, Heavenly Studio, CloudWorks, Dreamland as well as Indoor, Outdoor, & Covered Play Space are tailored to support our mighty learners and citizens to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

How should we define an international school? An international student community, an internationally mixed faculty, an international (i.e., non-local) curriculum, or a school that promotes “international-mindedness”? Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL) cultivates “international-mindedness” among learners. International-mindedness is a view of the world in which people are connected to one another in the global community. Internationally-minded people appreciate and value the diversity of cultures of this world. International-mindedness fits well within a Biblical framework as well as the philosophy of Canadian Education. CAPCL adopts the Canadian curriculum, using the Alberta Programs of Study. We value learning as an active, social process. Children are learners, making meaning of self, others, and the world. Knowledge is co-constructed through each child's engagement with people, places, objects, and ideas. We value play. It is one of many multimodal literacies and an essential medium through which children explore and participate with others and in the world. Children's active engagement and participation in learning is demonstrated through their theory building, creativity, problem solving, playfulness, and imagination.
Children experience reciprocity of relationships and interconnectedness of ideas in an inclusive community where teachers value children's contributions and seek out diverse perspective of/for learning. Learning becomes dynamic as teachers and children come together to explore, communicate, examine, question, problem-solve, and challenge what is known and what is yet to be understood. Ideas bring people together, and active engagement and participation are what help those ideas deepen and grow more meaningful. Our Treehouse Library, CA Makerspace, Heavenly Studio, CloudWorks, Dreamland, WOW Workshop, Joyful Corner, Assembly Hall as well as Indoor, Outdoor, & Covered Play Space are tailored to support our mighty learners and citizens to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
Source Credit: Flight Alberta's Early Learning and Care Framework: https://earlylearning.pembinahills.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/09/Flight-Framework-Document.pdf
English Chinese Bilingual Program
At Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL), the medium of instruction is approximately 65% English and 35% Chinese (Mandarin with traditional script). We follow the Alberta English-Chinese Bilingual model, similar to 13 other schools in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Alberta has 40 years of operating English-Chinese Bilingual Schools. We are honored to have Mr. Ken Lam, former principal of an English-Chinese Bilingual School with over thirty years of experience in Alberta English Chinese Bilingual Program, as our curriculum consultant. In addition to Chinese lessons, students will study mathematics and one of the specialty subjects using Mandarin. The specialty subjects are art, Bible, health, music and physical education. We aim to provide ample opportunities for students to practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English and Chinese.

Through bilingual education, CAPCL learners become
proficient in English and Chinese resilient in overcoming challenges creative in solving problems confident amidst changes in their environment responsible global citizens with a greater understanding of western and eastern cultures and a broader knowledge and appreciation of different cultural values Not only is language learning useful in preparing students for their future, it is also mentally stimulating which in turn supports a growth mindset development.
Why Bilingual Education
Benefits of Bilingual Education
Research shows that the benefits of learning other languages are more than just the ability to speak in another language. Learning another language benefits students in the following ways:

Intellectual Potential
Students fluent in two languages score higher in both verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Students studying a second language are better in divergent thinking tasks and in memory ability and attention span. Scholastic Achievement
Second language students have higher test scores in reading, language and mathematics.
Effect on First Language
Education in another language significantly strengthens first language skills in areas of reading, vocabulary development, grammar and communication. The earlier the start, the greater the positive effect on the first language. Citizenship
Students studying another language have superior cross-cultural skills and adapt better to varying cultural contexts. Students studying another language display greater cultural sensitivity. Economic Potential
There is a growing need for qualified speakers of languages other than English in areas of science, technology, medicine and global commerce.
Source from The Edmonton Chinese Bilingual Education Association: http://www.ecbea.org/about-the-association/Learning Another Language, Alberta Education: https://education.alberta.ca/overview-of-international-languages/learning-another-language/?searchMode=3
Curriculum Information
Curriculum at a Glance
Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL) is committed to creating an inclusive education system that inspires and enables all students to achieve success and fulfillment. English Chinese Bilingual programming is complex and multifaceted. It provides a rich environment for the learning of languages, cultures and subject-area content. English Chinese Bilingual education strives to provide intensive language learning environments, with the potential for high academic achievement and enriched cultural experiences that maximize student opportunities for learning. The commonalities between the English Language Arts Framework and the Chinese Language Arts Framework facilitate an integrated, contextualized approach to language learning. The five general outcomes are that students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent in English and Chinese to
explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences, comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts, manage ideas and information, enhance the clarity and artistry of communication, and celebrate and build community These essential language learnings, that are common to both English language programming and Chinese language programming, support and promote a collaborative and integrated approach to language instruction. We recognize that parents play an important role in shaping the way their children view learning. As a parent, you understand more than anyone else how your child learns and processes information. This resource will provide you with an overview of several subjects which your child will study.
Multidisciplinary Learning
STREAM, which stands for Science, Technology, Reading & Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, is a multi-disciplinary learning approach implemented at Christian Alliance P.C. Lau Memorial International School (CAPCL). Students engage in hands-on activities, projects, and problem-solving tasks that require them to think critically and analytically. They learn to apply scientific principles and mathematical concepts to real-world situations, fostering their ability to solve complex problems. Furthermore, STREAM emphasizes collaborative learning, encouraging students to work together in teams to tackle challenges and develop innovative solutions. Through collaboration, students learn to communicate effectively, share ideas, and respect diverse perspectives. Additionally, the arts component of STREAM nurtures creativity by providing students with opportunities for self-expression and fostering an appreciation for aesthetics. Therefore, the STREAM approach at CAPCL equips students with the skills of Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity, and Communication. It empowers them to become adaptable learners who can thrive in the rapidly evolving 21st-century landscape. By integrating various disciplines and promoting hands-on learning experiences, STREAM prepares students to tackle complex problems, work effectively in teams, think creatively, and communicate their ideas confidently.
The curriculum at CAPCL aims to be Christ-centered, learners-focused, and others-oriented. The curriculum is built on the understanding that we are called to serve our Lord in all areas of life. All activities within the scope of education at CAPCL grow out of this starting point. The teacher plans how to deliver the curriculum with the holistic (Heart, Habits, Head, and Hands) needs of the child in mind.

The CAPCL Bible program imparts knowledge of the Bible and encourages students to move to a deeper faith. The program presents the story of God and his covenantal relationship with his people and provides contexts for the Bible stories.

Chinese Language Arts and English Language Arts
The CAPCL language arts programs are designed to produce fluent readers and writers who can express and receive meaning through language. As students become independent readers, they can experience the joy of accessing knowledge about God's world through the process of reading. CAPCL uses programs that involve working with words, guided reading, self-selected reading and writing. There are ongoing sequential, skill-building programs and programs which focus on the development of vocabulary, word analysis, sentence structure, comprehension skills, and a critical appreciation of literature as a response to God's world.

Through a structured and sequential program, students explore mathematical concepts and make meaningful connections to the real world. They are provided with purposeful practice and problem-solving opportunities.

Science/Social Studies
Students discover how all of creation and culture brings praise to God. We acknowledge God as the Creator of the universe, and emphasize our responsibility to appreciate and care for His creation. Units of study include plants and animals, earth and space, geography and citizenship, local communities and communities around the world.

All of us have been created with one of the finest musical instruments – the human voice. We concentrate on singing, rhythm, and beat. Choir and instruments allow for the practice of useful skills and then the enjoyment of the performance.

Physical Education and Wellness
Our emphasis lies in the development of motor coordination, muscle tone, and creative movement, as well as fundamental sport skills. We also focus on various team sports skills.